"Green" LEDs - the future of street lighting

“Green” LEDs – the future of street lighting

People have used street lighting for over 300 years. With the scientific and technological progress, the design of the luminaires has changed constantly: from candles and kerosene lamps to modern LEDs. And if at first only some cities were illuminated, now it is difficult to find a settlement without the usual light pillars with streetlamps. Many metropolises appeared, the number of inhabitants totaling tens of millions of people, and the population of the planet exceeded 7 billion. As a resul ...
European cities want 10 million ‘smart’ streetlamps

European cities want 10 million ‘smart’ streetlamps

Local governments around Europe paid €7.6 billion to light public streets in 2015. But their bills could be cut down by up to 70% if local governments are willing to shell out extra funds to install new lighting. The European Commission is trying to help cities find funding—with the goal of setting up 10 million of the more expensive streetlamps around the EU by 2025. For now, there are only a handful of them in European cities. Lampposts with high-tech LED lightbulbs that connect t ...
HPS vs LED: It's time for a new leader

HPS vs LED: It’s time for a new leader

We all have been accustomed to the warm, orange-golden lighting of our cities. This is not surprising, because the HPS lamps in most cases illuminate our streets and are one of the most effective sources of light. The first to massively begin to use were low-pressure lamps - LPL, which were replaced by more technological mercury gas-discharge lamps, and those in turn were replaced by HPSL- high-pressure sodium-vapor lamps. What is a sodium-vapor lamp? HPS (high pressure sodium ...